Are your employees feeling secure at work?

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Thursday, 24 February 2011, 11:55 IST   |    18 Comments
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Bangalore: "Job insecurity", this is one factor that can have a serious impact on an employee's morale. The current market situations have left most of the employees confused and anxious about their present jobs. Everyone has either seen or has been a victim of salary cuts or corporate layoffs. And as a result, they can't run away from the feeling of job insecurity. The notion that job insecurity may produce negative individual-level effects is well established. The feeling of insecurity in job often leads to lower productivity, coupled with absenteeism and low motivation levels in the workplace. Therefore for the bosses or for the managers, it is very crucial to ensure that their employees are in a good state of mind and they feel secure at work. How to do that? There may be various ways to turn the negative factors around. Here are a few. Create good communication channels
It's very important to establish effective communication channels within an organization. It may be employee to employee or boss to employee, but what it can do is taking away the "gossip" and "rumors", resulting from a poor communication in a workplace. Utilizing the communication channels employees will be able to put forward the issues they are facing. It can also prove effective in eradicating misconceptions as well.

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