9 Failed Enterprise Products of Microsoft

Bangalore: Microsoft, for long has been trying hard to make a solid and sturdy stand in the ERP dome. It has spent about a decade in trying to break into the ERP market by introducing enterprise and accounting softwares. Very few were acknowledged and espoused while most of them saw a grime end. Microsoft's motto of "let's build it here" has been an expensive affair as it is a company which relies on its Enterprise business. Most of the softwares that were built were either a toiled effort or a result of protracted ideas. Thwarted, Microsoft is thinking twice and is guessing what the Business world of today wants.

Here is list of 9 failed Enterprise IT products of Microsoft:

1. Internet Information Services (IIS):

IIS or Internet Information Server was the one of the foremost brainchild of Microsoft. A stable release of the software was done in 2009. It is considered as third most popular server in the world. IIS is a web server application which allows websites to run a variety of software platform. Initially the free ad- on faced a number of vulnerabilities which led to the infamous Code Red worm. In June 2011, IIS 7 had a total of 6 resolved vulnerabilities while IIS 6 had a total of 11 vulnerabilities out of which 1 was still unpatched. Reliability and security of data became a serious issue with IIS.

A Google study revealed that about 80 million domains concluded that while the IIS market share was 23 percent at the time, IIS servers hosted 49 percent of the world's malware, the same as Apache servers whose market share was 66 percent. Also the study observed that geographical location these dirty servers and said that the use of pirated copies of Windows for was the main reason for the breach.

Apache is also web server software which was a huge hit during the boom of the World Wide Web. In 2009 it became the first web server software to surpass the 100 million website milestone. Both Microsoft and Apache boost of having a lion’s share in the web server market. Apache, on the other hand, has an older heritage; having been originally based on the httpd code that some would argue started the entire Web revolution in the first place.