8 Technologies That Will Rule The Roost In 2014

#3 Siri on steroids

The synchronization of apps and other functions have made lives easy. A scenario were your traffic app updates the alarm to ring a little earlier sensing a traffic conjunction can be a perfect example for the new cognitive computing applications. An upsurge in the field can be made sure with IBM Watson’s application interface available for the public. Smart apps that read your thought lines and execute the necessary actions required are not a hand stretch far.

#2 Employee uniforms? Why not employee wearables ?

Wearable gadgets were greatly successful in taking its toll over the tech savvies. Google glass and other gadgets have been used widely in the area of industrial processing and high-tech mechanical engineering. Toshiba has already implemented such augmented reality apps that creates a safe and secure work environment. With Google glass available for public purchase, work atmosphere is thought to be turned around with its implementation.

#1 Are your devices smarter than a 5th grader?

Industry giants are stepping into the next era where humans are being replaced by robotics. The acquisition of KIva systems, an automated robotics company by Amazon boosted the pace of manufacturing their own delivery drones. Google has also bought robotic companies like Meka and Redwood Robotics. The year of 2014 will witness the rush of robotics through the veins of all major enterprises.

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