8 Must Know Things About The Heartbleed Bug

Why some websites are secure

Some of the websites use other SSL options apart from the commonly used Open SSL. The flaw is reported to be affected only on this particular SSL encryption. Those websites that run on earlier versions or have not activated the Heartbleed feature are still safe.

How to know if a website is affected

A few testing sites such as LastPass and Qualys will tell you which websites are vulnerable or safe. Even though these sites provide a green signal it is advised to move ahead with great caution. An official confirmation can be thought to be the best signal to move ahead.

Are my bank accounts safe?

Most of the banks do not use the Open SSL security system rather have their own self proprietary encryption methods. However it is advisable to check with the bank authorities before you go forward. Users are instructed by security firms to keep a watch over their financial statements to identify any unauthorized charges.

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