Positive Thoughts to motivate you

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 15 May 2010, 19:14 IST   |    8 Comments
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Bangalore: Most of the companies judge their candidates based on the attitude one displays rather than the skills. It is important that we nourish and improve our attitude. One should practice and attain it because companies can rarely build your attitude though they can train you for skills. Farsighted companies understand how to motivate and help people with their attitudes. There are a few "tricks" that others have suggested, and ones from me that you may have not heard: An atmosphere filled with positive attitude will ensure that you remain positive throughout the day. Negative and bad motivation must be avoided at all costs. It is essential to prevent oneself from being "realistic." And think that you're being rational. One must admit the problem and tell the truths to others in the unemployment line. Recall positive things and people which will help you to stay motivated. Reading of self-help books will give fruitful results. Manage yourself as such that you become more amiable to your surroundings. Try to laugh a lot for it is impossible to be negative and out of sorts if you smile and laugh a lot. A book titled Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, is not a motivational book, per se but it is a must read for all who desire to be motivated.