7 Habits of Unsuccessful CEOs

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 02 February 2012, 01:29 IST   |    1 Comments
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Personal Interest and Corporation's Interest Becomes One

Personal Interest and Corporation's Interest Becomes One This habit might look harmless and beneficial. A company always demands for a dedicated and committed leader, with their interests associated with the company. But if we have a deeper look at the failed executives, we will see that, rather than considering their company as enterprise and nurturing it, these executives treated them as an extended part of themselves. CEOs with such mentality carry out their personal ambitions by using their companies. Most of these CEOs use company funds for personal use, which pushes them towards the slippery grounds. CEOs who have impressive track and feel that the company has made huge profits with him are so even if they likely to make expensive expenditures it will always appear less by comparison. Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco was majorly influenced by this logic. His pride in his company and his pride in his own profligacy seem to have reinforced each other. Being the CEO in a company is almost a king in your realm, which can turn very dangerous with time.