75 Percent IITians Choose to Pursue Passion over Studies

When the grievances of some of the youth was addressed regarding teachers failing to make the course interesting, one of the professors said that education was a two-way business and even the best of teachers could not teach students unless they want to study. The professor also said, “Genuine students are very rare to come by,” as reported by TNN.

The director of the institute, professor Devang Khakhar said that the institute is currently trying to improve the facilities on the campus, which mostly will be completed in a year or two. As complained by the students, saying ‘no space for a table and a chair in their hostel rooms, lack of privacy and increased disturbance caused by shared accommodation’ has affected them academically, hence the institution is working on the infrastructure of the Institute.

Even then many of the under graduate students at IIT-B are exposed to many non academic activities impairing their study hours. As stated by the survey, “A lot of people follow their passion to such an extent that they tend to overlook coursework to a great degree,” reported DNA.

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