7 Unlucky Actors Who Turned Down Great Roles

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 19 August 2011, 19:50 IST   |    6 Comments
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6.Sigourney Weaver
7 unlucky actors who turned down great roles
There is no question about how big a star Sigourney was in the 80s, she was there on the top and she stayed there for a while. What she did not realize then was that there is a world beyond Aliens! Or else, when she was offered the role of A.D.A. Kathryn Murphy in the 88 movie The Accused, why on earth would she turn it down? The role went to Kelly McGillis , who did it with utmost perfection and sincerity. The movie was critical and commercial success. Sigourney, you let go of something that could have been another feather on your crown.