5 Types of Mentors an Entrepreneur Meets Everyday

He knows what your dream and mentors and guides you to the right path. An entrepreneur can openly confess to his friend and share problems. No entrepreneur must lose sight of his friend as he is the first mentor every entrepreneur meets.

A person with similar skill set

With internet around us, we can work wonders. Facebook, Skype are all places were an entrepreneur can create group, connect with people and share views. Every entrepreneur must make the most of it.  These social networking sites can help entrepreneurs build a relationship with people of similar mindset and enhance all entrepreneurial skills.

A colleague whom you hate He is the right mentor. Yes! When an entrepreneur has ideas few colleagues might love it and there might be few others who would give some serious negative feedbacks. These feedbacks might come from people whom you hate to work with but it must be all taken positively as it might contain few important threads that can help your business grow.