5 Things CIO should know about Big Data

Bangalore:  Big Data are large sets of data that by time continuously keeps on growing and later turns itself to be complex. One of the difficulties in working with it is by using relational databases and normal desktop packages where it requires massive parallel software’s running on hundreds of servers. The amount of big data varies from one organization to another. Nowadays organizations are using these data’s to analyze and record various behaviors of their past technology and business trends.

Below given are 5 steps that CIO’s should know and how to handle big data:

1. You will need to think about big data:

Large service providers like Google, Yahoo and Twitter are the real starters of Big Data. But the companies utilize these large chunks of data for continuous analysis which helps them to make note on the current business trends and to resist crimes. “You could be a really small company and have a lot of data. A small hedge fund may have terabytes of data,” said Jo Maitland, GigaOm research director for big data.  In a couple of years industries that include healthcare and the public sectors are going to make a great leap with the help of big data. With these data’s the CIO’s can analyze and better their business ideas. Using these valuable data, the CIO’s can slightly tweak their ideas and may find a solution to the upcoming problems.