5 Remarkable Things Cook Did That Steve Jobs Never Cared About

4.Tim Cook Shares Some of Apple's Massive Pile of Cash

While Jobs wasn't ready to give to investors any of Apple's huge cash in the form of dividends or stock buyback, Cook is fine with it. One better thing Cook did was that in February, he issued a $2.65 per quarter dividend and promised to buy $10 million worth in stock back from investors. In short, Cook wanted to reward the investors for the years they'd keep their money in the company.

3. Tim Cook has Made Apple a Ton of Money

The most important thing for investors is the stock price itself. And in one year, Cook has made Apple 77 percent richer. On his first day, a share of Apple was trading for $376. And now, it's trading for $667, which means Apple has an additional $353 billion. Cook has certainly guided the company to a great height.