5 Most Deadliest Countries for Journalists in 2012

Somalia is the second most dangerous place for journalists, with an estimated death count of 18 in 2012. The report called it a ‘black year’ for Somalia. So far it’s been the deadliest year for media personnel in Somalia, with twice the number of journalists killed as compared to 2009. The worst phase recorded in 2012 is the second of September marked with death of seven journalists, in which two were killed in a gap of 24 hours. Many became victims of murders or bombings. Al- Shebaab or the local government officials are held responsible for this violence who wants to quiet down news outlets.  The report said, “Somali journalists are subject to the most appalling constraints in both the capital Mogadishu and in the rest of the country. The lack of a stable government in this failed state for the past 20 years, endemic violence and generalized impunity all contribute to the grim death toll.”


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Source: IANS