5 Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrities

#3 Sandra Bullock

Chance of landing on malicious website: 10.8 percent

Sandra Bullock is an American actress and producer. She rose to fame in the 1990s with roles in films such as Demolition Man (1993), Speed (1994), The Net (1995), While You Were Sleeping (1995), A Time to Kill (1996), and Hope Floats (1998). In the new millennium, she appeared in Miss Congeniality (2000), The Lake House (2006), and the critically acclaimed Crash (2004).

In 2009, Bullock starred in two of the more financially successful films of her career, The Proposal and The Blind Side. In 2013, she starred in The Heat, financially the most successful comedy of the year, and will star in the Sci-fi thriller Gravity.

She will be featured on Vogue's October cover, showing off her elegant back and an unusual hairdo. Inside she talks about son Louis, now 3; about why she lives in Texas; why she doesn't have a Twitter account; and about how her new sci-fi film, Gravity, is about being lost in space and alone. If you want to catch more news about her, better be aware what sites you hit.

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