5 leadership mistakes that kill your firm's hopes of success

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 25 May 2011, 03:47 IST
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4. Allowing Sloppiness and Imprecision
Leaders should not allow sloppiness and imprecision in their employees as this kind of an approach encourages them to be lazy and uncommitted. You must not let your employees to get away with their extra-polite manners or good-natured humor when they present a shoddy work or incomplete report. You should encourage them to take enough pride in the finished work. "Leaders want to be good people, and they want to show others that they have the wisdom to accept human frailty," notes Hamm. "So they allow themselves to tolerate a little sloppiness here and a little imprecision there in their subordinates' work. But high reliability organizations never allow sloppiness, because they know it equals death. Unusually excellent leaders have a zero tolerance policy for sloppiness."