40 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Microsoft

#18 Before Microsoft was founded, the duo, Gates and Allen had another start-up by named Traf-O-Data. The company was formed while the two were in high school with the objective of processing raw data from roadway traffic counters to create reports for engineers.

#19 In 1992, WinVer 1.4, the first virus attacked the Windows based systems.

#20 Six months before Google acquired YouTube for $1.6 billion, Microsoft passed on the opportunity acquire it for half the price: $500 million.

#21 The tone when you boot up the PC was composed by Musician Brian Eno and he was offered $35,000 to compose the infamous start-up tune for Windows 95.

#22 Windows XP was named as Windows Oxygen, after it was built, however, Microsoft’s marketing team thought it was best to run with the XP moniker with the initials representing “eXPerience.”

#23 The current CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, who at the time was hired as Microsoft’s 30th employee, starred in the first ever Windows 1.0 commercial as an overly ecstatic salesman.

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