4 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Work On Holidays

3. Be ultra-productive:

Rationale: Work without many distractions or interruptions

Working on weekend or holidays means that you will not be distracted by those numerous business mails you receive that expect your instant response. Also you are not subjected to follow any strict deadline and you are at the liberty to work at your own pace and at your own leisure. These weekends when you kept yourself engrossed in work will also be a reason for the jump in your sprints the next working day when you know how fruitfully you exploited your weekend.

4. Discover your best:

Rationale: Relaxed off days act as a catalyst to creativity

It is when you are least distracted that you are more capable to think creatively. These days off are the ones when you are not weighed down by client projects, stiff deadlines and have the time and opportunity to experiment. All these factors contribute in allowing your creative fluids pump.