3 Predictions on Linux World for 2013

#2 Increasing ubiquity:

At present it’s pretty hard to find companies or big corporates’ that don’t rely on Linux and its utilities and this trend is clearly going to get better in 2013. With tiny PCs, low cost and the open source format make Linux a clear favorite above all other operating systems. Over that, last year we also saw Linux playing a major role in the gaming world and also across the automobile sector. This clearly shows what Linux means and how flexible it can be.

#3 Fully competitive at last:

Even though Linux hasn’t made much of a noise across the desktop world, a much of an increase in its importance can be seen today throughout the world. Maybe we can credit the increase in importance to two factors. One was the launch of Windows 8 and second is the in-built feature that comes with Linux and Ubuntu. Presently we can say that these operating systems have finally reached a point at which their features truly match--or even surpass--what Windows offers mainstream users. And 2013 might be the year where Linux show downs its true potential.


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