25 Companies and Their Inception

14. Audi

 Audi founder August Horch took the name for the company by translating his name that meant “Hark!”, which is to listen in Latin. The founder’s name was already used earlier by his other car manufacturing companies. The four rings used in the company logo represents the union of Audi with its other sister companies DWK, Horch and wanderer.

15. Intel

Intel is the incorporated name of Integrated Electronics. Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce initially named the company as N M Electronics. Again Moore Noyce was suggested but it sounded more like “more noise”.  Later Integrated Electronics was proposed but as the name was already registered with some other company Gordon and Robert took the initial syllables of INTegrated ELectronics and named the company as Intel.

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16. HCL

The full form of HCL is Hindustan Computers Limited. Founded by Shiv Nadar. HCL is one the big companies that rules the IT hardware market. The headquarters is in India and it operates for about 30 countries of the world. Initially the focus of the founders was to create scientific calculators but gradually the company got money and shifted in manufacturing computers.

17. NIKON Corporation

Nikon Corporation, also popularly known as NIKON is multinational company that specializes in manufacturing optics and imaging products. Founded in 25 July 1917 the original name of NIKON was Nippon Kogaku, meaning "Japanese Optical". In 1988 the company was renamed as Nikon Corporation after its cameras. Nikon is a part of the Mitsubishi Group. 

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