21 VIP Couples In Tech

#14 Fab.com’s CEO Jason Goldberg and T-Systems' Christian Schoenherr

Christian Friedhelm Schoenherr and Jason Seth Goldberg were married at Craft, a restaurant in New York. Rev. April Beer, an interfaith minister, officiated. One week later, Fab raised $105 million, which sells curated designer goods online at a discount, Jason Goldberg, along with his long time boyfriend went to the New York's City Hall and picked up a marriage license. Quick and Simple.

#13 Dave and Brit Morin

Dave Morin is a senior platform Manager in Facebook and Brittany Bohnet, Product Manager at Google. Dave came up with the most amazing way to propose to a girl. Dave and Brittany were on a 2 week vacation around the world when Dave surprised Brittany with an amazing proposal message spelled out on the beach of an island in the Maldives (Bazinga!!) What’s more the message was spelled out with coconuts!

#12 Kevin and Julia Hartz

These two love birds met at a friend’s wedding while Julia was working for MTV (on Jackass) and Kevin had found Xoom. They got together and started a sales and ticketing company called Eventbrite. Now their ticketing startup has raised about $80 million in venture capital and has sold more than 90 million tickets. Today, Kevin lives in San Francisco with his wife, Julia, and two young daughters.

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