15 Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

#9 Beer.com

Sold for: $7 Million

Year: 2004

Truly the favorite to feature this list, the domain name Beer.com was purchased for a massive amount of $7 million in the year 2004, by Thought Convergence. This purchase is still considered as one of the coolest domain purchases of all time.

#8 Diamond.com

Sold for: $7.5 Million

Year: 2006

Ladies, hold on to your seats, it’s your favorite Diamond.com at the number 8th slot in our count-down featuring 15 most expensive domain names. In 2006 Online Jewelry Retailer Ice.com bought Diamond.com from Odimo for a mind blowing amount of $7.5 million.

#7 Business.com

Sold for: $7.5 Million

Year: 1999

A record setter at that time, eCompanies Ventures picked up Business.com in 1999 for $7.5 million, which stood as the highest domain takeover for many years. The previous owner was non-other than Marc Ostrofsky, famous domain name investor and writer. Ostrofsky bought the domain name in the year 1997, for a easy money of just $150,000.