15 Most Creative Indian Start-ups - Part I

Emart does not discount a company's products unless the company decides to. White-labeled e-commerce in India has great potential as more and more brick-and-mortar companies turn to the Internet to sell their products.

Emart entered the online group buying segment in 2008, but found it crowded and realised their model was not viable in the long run. But they made an important discovery: companies in India getting into e-commerce have to work with multiple vendors for technology, product delivery and customer care. What if they provided a one-stop shop for all such services? To a large extent, Emart is modelled on companies such as GSI Commerce, the American e-commerce and interactive marketing services provider that eBay acquired in 2011 for $2.4 billion. It currently processes 8,000 orders a day, but remains tight-lipped about its financials.

13. Hatti Kaapi

Location: Bangalore

Business: Selling Hot Filter Coffee

Founded in: November 2009

Led by: Mahendar U.S.

Cool quotient: Provides A Quick Cup of Steaming South Indian Coffee At Rs 8