12 Surprising Personality Traits of Billionaires

7. Focus & Concentration

Many young businessmen fail to earn even their first million as they indulge themselves in too many things. Perhaps they truly need to focus on what John D. Rockefeller said about this issue, “Do not many of us who fail to achieve big things . . . fail because we lack concentration – the art of concentrating the mind on the thing to be done at the proper time and to the exclusion of everything else?”

8. Calm, Quiet & Curious

Rich people believe calmness to be their strength.  “Success comes from keeping the ears open and the mouth closed.” John D. Rockefeller said. Well it’s obvious that no can think of a master business plan and successfully run a business worth millions with an anxious mind. It needs calmness and curiosity to nurture something new and useful.

9. Strategic

Almost every billionaire always makes strategic decisions for running their business. For instance, acquiring other companies; poaching employees from rivals are all a part of strategy.

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