12 Self-Made Teen Millionaires

#7 Tyler Dikman
Biz: CoolTronics
Net-Worth: $3.7Million
In the year 2000, this 15-year old technology tycoon started CoolTronics, a business that basically repaired computers and taught granny’s how to surf the web. Soon the business expanded into a technology consulting service and provided users with tips and tricks on safe-guarding their PCs from potential virus attacks. It also provides other services in the vast are of Web Development. At 24, Tyler was featured in the Business Week as one of America’s best young entrepreneurs.

#6 Sean Belnick
Biz: bizchair.com
Net-Worth: $42Million
At 14, Sean started bizchair.com, a self designed e-commerce website that sold things online. With an initial start-up budget of $500, Sean began selling small times like Pokémon cards and before long his website was selling sleek office furniture. At the age of 20, Sean had made an estimated worth of $24Million dollars. Today, this entrepreneur-driven website sells office chairs, school furniture, home furniture, and medical equipments.