11 Tough Realities of Being an Entrepreneur

2. Your Friends and Family won’t Understand what You Do

You will get many bizarre reactions from close friends, family members, and others over the course of starting your company. Even if you achieve milestones that are worthy of praise and signify success in the entrepreneurial world, people still won’t understand what you do. This is all right and sometimes even a relief to know there is more outside in the world than just techies and entrepreneurs. Just because they don’t understand it, doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong or unacceptable.

3. You Will Make Less Than Normal Wages For A While

There is nothing wrong wanting to make money, but in the beginning it is going to be rough. You will make less than most of your friends, especially the ones doing the “normal” paths of things like finance. If you truly love what you are doing, the capacity to have a large bank account takes a back burner to completing your mission.