10 great pranks on your Boss

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 13 July 2011, 22:15 IST   |    21 Comments
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Bangalore: Eight hours in an office scene often gets monotonous and nerve racking. We have to at times lighten our mood and bring humor into our everyday activities and Pranks are the best to cheer us up.But if given a choice, who would you chose to do the prank on in office? Yup we know, you would always like to start with your Boss. Here are some of the pranks that are tried on a boss: Cups filled with water prank!
All you need is hundreds of plastic cups placed in your bosses office. Fill each cup with water and place them all over the floor. Your Boss can obviously not get rid of them easily. He will have to move each of the glass at a time and sure will make him frustrated.

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