10 Things Phenomenal People Say Every Day

7. "Can you show me?"

Learning is a never ending process. Learning has no age bar or any specific source. Knowledge lies everywhere. One needs to gather knowledge from each and everything, he/she comes across.

The vast knowledge of any ordinary people can make him/her extraordinary in the society. Despite of being so knowledgeable, these people never miss out any chance where they can learn something new.

The extraordinary people never allow their thirst for knowledge to get quenched. They always say ‘can you show me?’

8. "Let me give you a hand."

Victory is tasteless, if enjoyed alone and thus knowledge is meaningless, if not shared.

The extraordinary people always keep searching for a reason to help others. They also know how to offer help to others.

They do not ask others if they are having any problem in doing something. They also do not let others feel inferior by offering help to them.

They prefer requesting others while offering their help. ‘May I help you?’, ‘We can work together for a better result’, etc. are their ways of offering help to others.

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