10 Things Humans Fear the Most

#2 Thunderstorms

This fear is called Astraphobia. Both humans and animals may develop a fear of thunder and lightning. Many children and even grownups are afraid of storms, sometimes they do not get over it and the fear remains ingrained when they grow older. This is an age old fear and from generations people have trembled at the sound of thunder and have placed a huge respect for this magnificent power of nature.   

#1 Snakes

The graceful, long and slender nature, Snake tops the list of most feared things to humans. Snake is one of the most dangerous and deadliest animals in the world and the fear of snakes is one of the most common phobias, yet many have not encountered a snake. Generally, people fear snakes for their venom, and the possibility that their lives may be in danger.  However, being afraid of the serpent is natural, which signifies a healthy respect towards them.

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