10 Technologies On Anvil To Ensure Limitless Electricity

#2 Rubbing Paper Generator

Using everyday materials like Teflon, Disney research Pittsburg was able to discover a way to generate usable current by simple stroking a piece of paper. When the Teflon is rubbed or tapped with paper, a charge accumulates across the sheet and this current is then used to power sounds, LED lights, and e-ink displays among other devices. According to Disney, this can be used to add more interactive features to books inexpensively.

#1 Justin Bieber And Linkin’ Park Improve Solar Cell Efficiency

A group scientist from Queen Mary University in London have discovered that playing pop and rock tunes increases the performance of solar cells, which cover the surface of solar panels. The vibrations created by various genres of music seemed to increase the energy generation in the solar cells. In particular, rock music and pop music led to as much as a 40 percent increase in solar efficiency according to them. The explanation is that solar cells contain zinc oxide, a material which generates electricity when bent, and sounds being vibrations bends these zincs generating electricity.

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