10 Tech Priorities of CIOs

Bangalore: Technology has always been the big fish in the enterprise world. Because of the mass investments done in technology, the CIOs of the respected firms have already started to give priorities to various factors in technology.

The factors range from business intelligence, IT management to security where the list features certain new priorities along with some older priorities that have shifted spots. So according to Gartner who surveyed by asking to more than 2,335 CIOs globally about their business and technology priorities, here is the list that features 10 tech priorities of CIOs.

1. Analytics and business intelligence:

Over the next five years the growth in unstructured data is expected to be more than 80 percent which makes analytics and business intelligence the number 1 tech priority for the CIOs. Also the mass investment of companies in big data analytics proves that the IT firms are now concentrating on statistics that are associated with technologies like deduplication, automated tiering of data and flash or solid-state drives.