10 Reasons Why Apple Bans Google from iOS 6

5. Apple’s lawsuits revolve around Android

It might be possible that a key component in Apple’s decision to drop Google apps from iOS 6 could be its ongoing differences with Android vendors. Apple doesn’t want to look like it’s playing both sides by offering the same native applications as Android. By offering two applications of Google, it may prove to the judges that Apple doesn’t have that big of an issue with Android as it seems.

6. Could Apple be lining up a Google lawsuit?

There is also a possibility of Apple preparing for a lawsuit against Google. The decision of Apple’s fight with Samsung pending and is expected to turn in Apple’s favour. If that happens, it could take the battle to Google’s doorsteps. So, partnering with the company now would make that a bit more difficult.

7. Mobile advertising is in

Apple realizes that the future of the mobile space will revolve around intra-app ads, and it doesn’t want to give Google two places, i.e., Maps and YouTube, to use advertisement and earn cash from every iPhone and iPad owner out there.