10 Most Intense Business Wars Ever

Bangalore:  “Rivalry adds so much to the charms of one's conquests”.  When it comes to take on your rival’s closet, you can’t always play nice. Marketers come up with their wicked battles in form of advertisements, even if it calls for directing comparing one product to another. Once the war is set, it’s up to the opposition if they want to fire back or just ignore.

Some companies have been involved in this intense marketing war since decades and other took decades to respond to these advertisements. Some of the most severe wars have been compiled together that ever waged between two companies. Take a look.

Pepsi and Coca-Cola have been sneering at each other since the 1970's

The undying quarrel between Pepsi and Coke has fumed for decades, but the most extensively-known marketing battle between the two was the Pepsi Challenge in 1975. Pepsi showed off its victory in the taste test for years, eventually prompting Coca-Cola's awful New Coke debacle in 1986. Since then, they have taken the fight publically, fought over loyalty programs and frenzied over social media.