10 Most Intelligent People

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 28 November 2011, 15:55 IST   |    9 Comments
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2. Gregory Smith:

Born in 1990, Gregory Smith could read at age two and had enrolled in university at 10. He completed his Masters at just the age of 16. This young man is a peace and children’s rights activist. Gregory Smith is a co-founder of The World Children Awards with Muhammad Ali. The World of Children Awards recognizes people who dedicate their lives to helping children all around the world.

He is also the founder of ‘International Youth Advocates’, which promotes principles of peace and understanding among young people throughout the world. He has met Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gobachev and has spoken at the U.N. Smith has been nominated four times for a Nobel Peace Prize, for these humanitarian and advocacy efforts. This young lad’s recent attainment was his driving license.