10 Most Bizarrely Rewarding Startups

#9 Every new person at Commerce Sciences has to prepare a starter kit for the next new one

Commerce Sciences lives by a cool tradition for every new person who joins them.

Oren Ellenbogen, an engineer at the Palo Alto, Californian startup says, “The last person to join the company is responsible to create a ‘starter kit’ for the next one to join. Each kit is totally different and personalized (Depending on how creative the person is), ranging from funny jokes, and interesting books to Nerf Guns and coffee capsules.”

#8 If you ring the bell at Expertcity, everyone there would expect free breakfast from you

A lot of firms use bells at their offices for announcements such as new contracts or sales targets. But Expertcity uses the bell for a different reason. If any employee wanted to simply ring the bell, the very next day he or she had to buy breakfast for everyone.

Expertcity was the startup that created Go ToMeeting and GoToMyPC. It was then sold to Citrix in 2003.

If it still sounds cheesy for us, people there always love it.