10 Interesting Facts about Wine and Beer

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 11 February 2012, 02:34 IST   |    6 Comments
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2. Essential for Life

Yes, it is essential for life because alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary for human life. Alcohol is listed as medicine in the United States Pharmacopeia. It’s reported that nearly half the hospitals in more than 65 largest metropolitan areas of America offer alcoholic beverages to their patients as medications. Although alcoholic beverages don’t have much of fat or cholesterol, they contain high concentration of calories. Nonetheless, high intake of alcohol leaves you with a bad hangover and this is how hangover is termed in other languages across the world:

French: ‘Wood mouth.’
Germans: ‘Wiling of the cats.’
Italians: ‘Out of tune.’
Malaysians: ‘Lo.’
Norwegians: ‘Carpenters in the head.’
Spaniards: ‘Backlash.’
Swedes: ‘Pain in the hair roots.’


Ways to Cure Hangover:

 Ancient Greeks:  Ate cabbages.
Ancient Romans: Ate fried canaries.
Germans:  Eat a breakfast of red meat and bananas.
French: Drink strong coffee with salt.
Chinese: Drink spinach tea.
Puerto Ricans: Rub half a lemon under their drinking arm.
Haitians:  Stick 13 black-headed needles into the cork of the bottle from which they drank.
Russians: Drink Vodka.