10 Global Cities with Least Opportunities

Mumbai is the most populated city in the India and fourth in the world. With a score of 48 it’s ranked the second lowest on the intellectual capital and innovation. Mumbai is also the entertainment and commercial capital of India. Mumbai need to focus on developing skills and education system for a better innovative tomorrow. “India has done well to get to the current orbit. But to move to the next orbit, we need good leadership,”  said Narayan Murthy of Infosys in the report about India and cities like Mumbai.

Johannesburg being the largest city by population in South Africa, also the wealthiest province with the largest economy of a metropolitan in the district in the Sun Saharan Africa, is low on the intellectual capital and innovation list with the score of 49. It is the largest metropolitan in the world and has major advancements to make to bring up the scores and take steps to create an innovative future.