10 Countries with Highest Suicide Rates

2 South Korea
Suicide Rate: 31
Even though South Korea’s suicide rate ties with Sri Lanka it takes the second spot on the list. The increasing number of deaths by suicide in South Korea has doubled in the last decade and recently surpassed Japan’s suicide rate. Suicide is one of the most common causes of death in the country targeting many individuals under 40. However, the suicide is prevalent in the older population too. The suicide rate in South Korea is 31 per lakh inhabitants.

1 Lithuania
Suicide Rate: 34.1
Lithuania records the highest number of suicides in the world with 34.1 per lakh inhabitants. The most nominated cause for the high number of suicide rate is the social and financial issues in the country. As informed by the director of the State Mental Health Center, Onute Davidoniene, the main cause for the drastic rise in the suicide rates over the last decade is the economic and social shift, over the years.

At present, suicide is one of the major social issues in every society, around the world. With the increasing amount of awareness and many help centers that provide aid to individuals with suicidal tendency it can be controlled. It is important to understand that suicide can be prevented as there are many reasons to live than not to live in this world.

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