10 Coolest Things You Can Do With Linux

3. You can also maintain the timestamp

You can know when the file was last accessed with the help of “touch” command. It literally prevents anyone from stealthily touching your files as it maintains a timestamp. Further, there is no limit in length for filename. Windows does not allow you to name a file larger than 248 characters.

2. Upgrade without rebooting

Every time you install software in Windows, it will ask you to reboot. This is not the case with Linux. The annoyingly familiar “Will reboot in 10 minutes, save your work” pop up is avoided. It can only be wondered as to why re-starting is not necessary in Linux, when it was a thumb rule in Windows.

1. Get malware free environment

With Linux Operating System you can be assured about not getting affected by viruses. Not every file found in the wild is executed. The safest platform to work on does not allow auto-runs every time you plug new disk.