10 CEOs and Their First 'Kidult' Jobs

6. Jon Collins

President, Integrated Advertising, Frame store

First Job: Photography Assistant

While doing his degree Jon Collins worked as an Old Time photographer for summer in a seaside town in England. Though he learned many things during the job but Jon the most important lesson that he learned was making people feel special. He realized that they expect a good experience and a great end product. It was all about making them happy when they walked out then they walked in.

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7. Marsha Lindsay

CEO of Lindsay, Stone & Briggs

First Job: Production Assistant

Marsha Lindsay started her first job as production assistant at a 5,000 watt radio station. It was a summer job for her after high school which included writing the programming logs for the radio station. Further it turned into writing copy for ad salesman who wanted it right away. Marsha said “The daily pressure of producing immediate results inspired me to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in the art and science of persuasive advertising, which ultimately led me to start my own agency in order to deliver what I knew would work." As stated by Business Insider.

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