10 Biggest Tech Battles Ever

3. Facebook vs. MySpace

In the competition between Facebook and Myspace it is very clear that Facebook has won it. But Myspace was once the undisputed leader of Social Networking sites. Facebook started at a dorm grew fast to eat up Myspace to become the largest ever social networking site in the world. In the early days of Facebook, it was spare and organized, while MySpace pages were given to flashy fonts and images. Facebook went out of its way to appeal to the parents and grandparents but MySpace was still dominated by high-schoolers, to the point that if any grown-up joined, it seemed like he probably hung out in a van offering candy to schoolchildren. MySpace stagnated as Facebook exploded to 900 million active users. MySpace gave up on its social media leadership dreams and narrowed its focus to the niche of being a “social entertainment destination.” In Jan 2011, Gigaom.com reported, “MySpace Versus Facebook – There Can Be Only One”.