10 Best Web Business Ideas

7.  Developing Android apps:

Android phones are over taking the mobile industry. A large portion of the cell phone users have upgraded their phones into the android versions. Android phones make life quite easy with all its applications that help people in many ways.

To make life more easy, there are millions of applications developed everyday for the android phones and the need of more applications are flooding the android market. Developing the various applications for the android phones can also become one of the decent web businesses and a nice platform to make money.

More: 8 Worst Business Decisions

8.  Online talent search:

Justin Bieber is the best example of the online talent search. He gained most of his popularity from his videos on the YouTube. Other networking sites like facebook, twitter can also be converted into an online talent search sites.

There is no dearth of individuals who want to show their talents to the world and in this case, creating an online talent search site can mean a large margin of profit and can be proved as one of the best web business. 

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