10 Best Tech Rivalries Ever

#10 Apple VS Samsung

It’s an ugly turn from being partners to rivals. Apple and Samsung has been partners for a long time before troubles popped up over iPhone, and in 2008, Samsung rolled out an ad for its phone Instinct with the caption “Apple Eater.” After that, one is sparing no mercy to battle out other.

Samsung perhaps reasoned that fanboys are Apple’s first line of defense; so it launched an ad that portrayed such consumers as brainless dupes taken in by the Apple hype machine. Samsung amplified the message with a Super Bowl spot earlier this year and, just prior to the release of the iPhone 5, another fanboy-bashing spot.

#9 Apple VS Microsoft

This one goes way back, as Steve Jobs recounted in a 2007 interview; that there was Microsoft software on Apple II (though not in the original version).  After that, Microsoft’s MS-DOS was adopted by IBM’s 1981 computer design. When Apple released Macintosh in 1984, Microsoft became its business rival, as Windows, the OS had similar design elements to Macintosh. However, Microsoft was able to capture 90 percent of PC market with its Windows 95, and became a thought leader in the category.

Though Apple never recovered its market share in PCs, the company after the returning back of Jobs executed an amazing comeback in the 2000 and dominated the mobile computing revolution since then. To Microsoft, which introduced its own tablet a good 10 years before the iPad, Apple’s success proved to be extremely frustrating, hence Gates’ damning-with-faint-praise reaction to the iPad: “It’s OK.”