10 Best Mobile Apps For Women Safety In India

#7 Life360 Family Locator

More than an app, it notifies close and dear ones about the trouble. It provides useful information; for instance, about the criminals in the neighbourhood, tracking the most visited locations and so on.  It also keeps connected with the family members on a daily basis and with the aid of GPS, it informs others about the exact location though messages, calls and emails with the press of a button. Its usage can be beyond safety issues. The app is available for free and can be used in iPhone, Android and Blackberry phones.

# 6 Sentinel

It is a Smartphone application used to serve as a virtual security guard for women. The users can press a button once they feel they are being stalked or harassed. It sends out instant alerts to let friends, family or police know about the trouble and save them. The app is available for about INR 50 on the Android and other platforms.