10 Best Doodles of the Year 2011

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 01:06 IST
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3. Google’s  Art  for Art

It was Art Clokey’s 90th birthday that Google dedicated its home page to, with an interactive stop motion doodle that depicts the important characters of Gumby, (which was created by Art). The characters popped out for a moment as the cursor moved over the colored ‘clay’ figures. “This Doodle is a tribute to my father” said Clokey’s son who now owns the all new Gumby Website.


4. Google  honored Charlie Chaplin

Google posted an action video depicting Charlie Chaplin’s silent film on his 122nd birthday. It occupied 36 long hours to honor Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin, who was born in 1889, began his entertainment career at the age of 14. He started his own film company in 1917, and lived till he was 60.