10 Best Career Inspiring Movies of All Time

Office Space
Directed By: Mike Judge
Starring: Ron Livingston, Jenifer Aniston, David Herman

This 85 minutes movie makes you go back juggling between the virtual reality and the actual one. This movie is all about the haunting boss, the stressed work environment and the desire to break free from it. It rarely happens that people dare to do what they wish at office. The tiring routine life never lets you get calm. As you sit through this movie you view yourself at some juncture of the movie and realize later that you simply can’t do much about it. It takes a take  on living your life freely without letting office enter your head and pursue what makes you happy and not what makes you dull and grey. It’s all about relaxing and enjoying what you do rather than sit in a cubicle cursing other and making your life miserable.

Freedom Writers
Directed By: Richard LaGravenese
Starring: Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton

This relates to the most noble of the work, teaching. This movie takes on the teaching job and defies the saying that teaching is the easiest job to do. Teaching is not just delivering lectures and giving out notes to the students, teaching is to mend, mentor and encourage students to learn beyond the classroom walls and texts. This movie revolves around a high school teacher who tries to teach a bunch of non-obedient teens, facing racism problems and fights in class. She takes the help of writing and helps the students battle out their inner fight and as well as the outer one to reunite them. With her honest effort, the ruthless bunch of teen’s life is transformed into a better one.

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300: Rise of an Empire-Mediocre Vengeance Drama