10 Best Business Apps of 2012

7. Anti Android Network Toolkit

Anti Android Network Toolkit (ANTI) is used to scan networks using WiFi scanning tools. To test network host vulnerabilities to DoS attacks and other threats, security networks can use ANTI. A free version can be downloaded from zimperium.com that serves scanning, port connect, OS detection Wi-Fi monitor, and HTTP server. ANTI can also be used to add additional networks by simply entering their subnet information. Therefore it also performs as a wireless network discovery.

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8. Spector 360

If you have a doubt on your employees that they are not performing well, Spector 365 is the solution. Spector 360 will track down each and every key stroke in a computer starting from e-mails sent and received, web-site visit etc. The app can run on Microsoft OSs from Windows 98 through Vista. It is regarded as the most mature observation for business use.

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