Child Trafficking on the Rise in India

There are many cases where these girls are abused physically and sexually by their employers. There are girls who have fallen victim to multiple rapes. When they are rescued after facing these tragic episodes in life, these girls are refused to be accepted by their family for being raped as it is seen as a blemish on the family.

There are parts of the country with need for brides, and as incomprehensible as it may seem, it is preposterous that girls are trafficked to become wives. The falling sex ratio has led to this tend mostly in Punjab and Haryana. Brides are acquired from villages in West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, and Orissa, these girls are sold by their parents for pennies. As in the case of Jyoti , A girl of 14 years was sold for Rs 15,000 by her parents to marry a 40 year old man. 

India as per the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act of 1986 has legal provisions to tackle trafficking against children and women. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has formulated a number of initiatives to fight trafficking of both children and women.

Child trafficking and child labours are closely linked social peril. Most boys are made to work as child labours in factories, like textile and yarn industries, construction sites, in road sites, food joints; there are many places to find this crime, yet it’s been hard to eradicate it so far.

Attempts are being made to fight and abolish this modern day slavery. In this battle against trafficking at present trafficking is winning. But don’t despair, only a collaborated action against it can be the remedy. There are government organizations, civil society, international bodies, and pressure groups that working together to end it, and the support and involvement of the public is equally essential. Children are the future of tomorrow and nobody has the right to take their future from them. As it said "What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give." Let’s hope every child receives love, knowledge and values, so that he can give the same when time comes.