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Advice Request
Krishna Burli
Krishna Burli

Krishna Burli


IDEA-Insurance Data Execution Assistance

Blogs (2)

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Important lesson learned
Life is what you want to make out of it, from moment to moment, based on our transitory being, being updated from time to time, with what you perceive, feel, intellectually agree or disagree after convincing our mind. Human excellence is a rare gift of nature & if properly visualized & utilised for overall human goodness (As I am also a part of that humanness), can make this whole world enjoyable, moment after moment, with it's marvellous & mysterious ways of flowing flux of life.
Ensuring success
Doing what keeps me energised, curious, innovative, pleasing, benefitting materially & emotionally in such a way that I grow & all things & people around me also grow without much conflict & negativity in personality or wishes, with the complete acceptance of the divine will, without complaining on the results & effects, correcting every possible steps taken every moment by referring & reflecting with the main aim mentioned.
Make use of the natural skills bestowed by utilising the free resources of nature & create & convey our inner feelings & motives to get the best of HUMAN excellence, without confining to man-made divisions, such as, cast, creed, colour, defects & without biased vision.
Human mind can be engaged in space restricted to personal "I, Me & Mine" or it can be "We, Ours & Humane". I will start with improvising "I, Me & Mine" & aim at "We, Ours & Humane".
My achievements
As a son of school teacher, I am proud of so many things in my life. First, I am proud of a loving & ideal parents, who taught me how to live life. I could do my Engineering studies only because I could get a scholarship. I could share my father's burden, in up bringing my siblings after my mother passed away at her young age.(without any expectation of gratitude in return by any one). I could interact with Global insurers & Reinsurers at one to one level, even though from a small town product. Appreciation of Chairman of the Insurance co. where I worked for my acumen in valuations. Leading news paper reviewing my collection of "Kannada" poems & comparing it to a "Jnanpeetha" awardee.
Appreciation by unknown artists on my creations of "Themes using dried leaves & Flowers as medium" & "Clay modelling of Lord Ganesha"
Author of Marathi book whole heartedly appreciating the "Rendering of his book on Rational Emotive Therapy, in Kannada using Feed-back Control system techniques & printing"
My family background
Our Family (Two generations before mine) is from a remote village called HAVANUR, in Haver Dist. of Dharwad Taluka. My grand father tried his hand on all human skills to enhance his material, emotional & spiritual growth, within the available resources then. He even tried medicine (Ayurveda). I am greatly influenced by him & still has the memory of his affectionate touch feels. He had three sons & a daughter. As per his own narration, as he was a great story teller, all the four were like four directions. My father was a poet in Kannada & a Hindi teacher by profession. My mother was a home maker & was very proud of me, more so, when I started giving her my scholarship, which was more than the take home salary of my father. One of our ancestors was said to be a saint. I am the eldest in my family & has two brothers & a sister, who are all settled in life now.
My father believed in educating & he himself was a master in education & a very strong willed. My mother was very affectionate.
Degree that I recommend
I recommend basic Degree, preferably Engineering with a very strong financial knowledge. Additional Certifications in tune with the global requirements such as IFRS, FEMA are better. Insurance degree such as CII or FII are required if Risk Management is to be pursued, along with IRMS certification.
These are essentials, but Valuation & certification need experience & registration with the appropriate authorities to be authentic in the market.
That way, ICWA, CA, HR, are all aiding Risk Management activities & a Finance MBA also is quite suitable in the present scenario globally.
It all depends on the priorities of individuals & adoptability to changing global environment, which is highly volatile & unpredictable now
More about myself
My links bellow give the successful Global Expertise details.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals have to develop methods which gives bread if not butter to themselves & their surrounding people, who are inclined to exercise their physical & mental skills, focussing mainly on the local availability & requirements, before thinking Global. Use Global know how's & expertise & technologies, adopt it for local day to day use optimally with cost, peace of mind & if in excess of it, then only think of exporting for cost benefits....not the other way. You may call it "Glocal"

First step as per my gut feel is bring all people who have to take a call in this regard on one common uncomplicated & simple & straight forward platform of small goals to be achieved, as desired & required by the local group. Then, list out the priorities of immediate attention & requirements, List out workable & reliable men-materials-money triangle to achieve each of small goals listed. If any modifications need to be made repeat the process till it gets done.legislators,administers need be involved.
My role model
Success breeds success. The role models may very from time to time. My role model for life time are those who inspire me to humanize this world, who do it the moment agreed upon, compassionate in taking forward the idea of India for future with the "Vasudev kutumbakam" principle, not very rich commercially, but rich in their overall good of majority of humanity, enjoy teaching what they know, even if they charge for it for their living, nonchalant, nature lover, workable people to make most of the human survival.
You can live this uncertain life with feeling of certainty to share, with a feeling that there are other souls, who are also like us, who listen & take us along with practices which are reliable, available & affordable to make life worth living, in spite of the vagaries of nature & uncertainties of all kinds.
My inspiring role models are technical, enthusiastic, reliable, dependable on every time at a level reachable by me in material, emotional & commercial fields.
Influenced by
Mother, father & the people who have helped me in those days, when I had nothing else to offer to them other than the human goodness of mine, whichever little I had, to make them feel better in our interactions on topics of bio-bhavo-devo datas around us. Mainly the vibrations which resonated with them.

There are innumerable relatives, friends & honest government workers, who helped me tread through my life journey till now. How can I take one name & make others feel hurt.
There are friends, who gave me love, medicine to recover from my illness free of cost, when my own capacity was not there to repay them in money, there are relations, very distant, who came to help me & taught me how to live this life in spite of my weaknesses in material, emotional & spiritual fields & my gratitude to them & their deeds made me a poet...what more I can get from all of them, who influenced me the most.
I am living my life enjoying every beat of my heart, every breath of my breathing till now!
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education I India is also becoming commercial activity, without giving the perspective of inner enlightenment & wisdom to the humanity. Life needs education to live happily & peacefully for the bestowed uncertain time line.
As the person grows from a cell to the child, adult & old age, he undergoes a tremendous physical, mental & biological changes from moment to moment. Basics of life, living & divine intervention & to cope with the changes from moment to moment are to be taught along with the survival, commercial & racing skills. Our education should be holistic in such a way that the person enjoys the state of his being, interacts with his fellow human beings in a pleasing manner with a live & let live attitude, improves upon his human excellence exclusively endowed by nature, share for the benefit of humanity, as sharing is loving.
Attitude has to be winning self & then winning others, helping self & then helping others, being calm for self & then spreading the peaceful coexistence
Brief description about me
An Electrical Engineer with 6+yrs. Industrial Experience.
Risk Engineer-General Insurance company for 18+yrs in India involved in Risk Management.
Trained by GIC as RISK ENGINEERS-1978
Trained in Advanced Engineering Insurance by MUNICHRE & SWISSRE-1985
Worked with many General Insurance BROKERS (National & International), & AGENTS (Corporate & Individual) in INDIAN MARKET.
Global Expert(ZINTRO)-General Insurance Risk Management,Trainer Approved Rgtd.Valuer
SKF Solvants-> Rs.30Crs
->Rs 57Crs. for KURLON, Yashwantpur, Bangalore
->Rs.570Crs-AstraZeneca & AstraZeneca Pharma
->Rs. 1300Crs- Britannia India Ltd.
-CISCO Bangalore valuation on their Merger & Acquisition
Proprietor-"IDEA-Insurance Data Execution Assistance",a support service Co. for proper documentation of, Policies, Endorsements, premiums & Claims processing, Valuation & Reporting for speedy & adequate General Insurance activities, as RISK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT
Couple of years from now
Telling my stories of life experiences to the global friends, thanks to the social net work. Leaving the results to the nature, but, trying to build a human interactions & humanizing this wonderful world, starting with the one who is in agreement with me in the next moment.
Sharing, through art, music, configuring the abstract inner landscape to the out side world & trying to communicate forcefully by any understandable, simple media, in such a way that we flow with the crests & troughs of life happening in this global changes to the best soothing of our inner land scape.
Trying to give inputs in the technologies, commercials & philosophies to the agreeable & needy co- human beings & enjoying together the phenomenon of problem solving or overcoming them step by step & building a solid human relations in this glob, to what ever little extent possible by me, instead of just complaining & cribbing on the outer world faults in people, places, & practices with different belief systems.
Important decision
I am expressing, using art, music, poems & displays, using different mediums over a period of 4 decades, which have been appreciated by unknown quarters, written books, brought out CDs & Cassettes, discuss with real concerned individuals & also continue bringing out my WAY OF LOOKING, THINKING, ADJUSTING methods, wherever possible in the journey of my life, WITHOUT CRAVING FOR IMPRESSING OTHERS.
I adore those who are not known & who have contributed to humanity, without ant expectations & have decided to do it myself as well, as long as life takes me.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Empathy, clear vision loving what he does.
My strongest skill
Risk Management, Valuation & Training in General Insurance Risk Management & in Human excellence.
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