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Advice Request
Vikas Kamat
Vikas Kamat

Vikas Kamat

Senior Application Developer


Vikas Kamat is a member of:

- Expert
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a joint Indian family. My father retired as an Assistant Manager for a reputed Textile company for which he worked for 35 years. My mom is a housewife and I have a brother who is also into consulting and a sister who is accountant by profession.
Plans for the Future
I would love to have my start up venture up and running in next 2 years. Besides that I am a technology geek and love exploring new technology stuff. I aspire to be a Technical lead in near future. I want to build a product which will make use of technology to make life easier for its users.
Challenges in The Technology
There are so many new things happening on the technology front now and java has to adapt itself to this changing environment to be in the game. I mean there are whole bunch of new technologies that came up and made web development so easy and java has to evolve to compete with them.
Current Role
Currently I am working as Senior Application developer for a VMS based start up company called Fieldglass based out of Naperville, Illinois. My role is to oversee complex production issues, mentor developers and develop new functionality for the product.
Required Reading
The Pragmatic Programmer is a must have book for every developer who aspire to be a good programmer. is a good website where you get learn many new things which you never knew.
Can you tell us about one role model who inspires you and why?
It has to be Mark Zuckerberg as he has used technology to change people's lives. Just concentrating on technology will lead you nowhere.
Degrees That Matter
Certification certainly helps if you do it for knowledge. To start off a SCJP is great certification course where you can get to learn java basics which we always ignored or did not pay much attention to.
Areas for the Future
The Web Development in Java will have to evolve and if you are part of that then it will certainly matter in future.
Work Life Balance
My work place is a fun place to be. We all are technology loving people with the hunger to excel in whatever each of us does here. So if at all one is stuck with it then there will always be someone to help. Also we keep sharing new things that we come across.
What are the important lessons you have learned in your professional life?
Patience and calmness can take you anywhere. Even in the worst case you got to be patient and calm to solve the problem. Listen to everyone but do your own thing.
Current Job Profile
As a Sr. Application Developer I have to keep myself updated with technology. Also mentoring developers is a part of my profile which I really love doing. THe most challenging part is to debug and solve complex production issues that client report. It feels good to stand up to client's expectations.
Comparison With Other Language
Java is so vast that you will get the answer to your problem either one way or another. Besides its ability to couple with other languages so easily is a great thing.
Changes in the industry
It has changed a lot. There are so new things happening in java making life of a developer much easier than ever. At the same time there are so many things coming up every day that one has to always keep updated with latest additions to java. That said, I still feel java has to evolve on web front.
Scope Of Java
With such a vast number of developers working with java, I think java has lot to offer in future. If java is able to put on a fight with new web technologies then it will be a great accomplishment.
What are the most important career decisions that you have made along the way?
I left job at a place where I was much settled and could have continued with very nice compensation just to learn something new. This was a very big decision as I had already established myself at the earlier place and had a very good rapport with client too but it was a right thing to do.
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