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Advice Request
Razat Chaudhary
Razat Chaudhary

Razat Chaudhary

Associate Business Manager



Razat Chaudhary is a member of:

Family Background
Basically i belong to Begusarai District in Bihar but brought up in Patna since our early age.My father was Contractor and mother is house wife.We are 2 brother and 1 sister.Brother is Software engineer in Bangalore and sister is electronics engg.
Contribution to the field
Best thing which i like about my company is independent and flexible working culture.You own the business and you need to drive it.
Marketing and selling are 2 sides of single coin but there are difference in the approach.Marketing is more of Consumer focused business.Here end aim is to satisfy consumer and make profit where as selling is product focused business.Here end aim is to sell the product and make profit.
Role in an organization
i am associate business manager looking after business Development.My Basis KRA is Revenue Managment.
Importance of Marketing
Its very important role as i need to make Revenue though different products and keep on adding features to save product from decline.We also need to keep on generating new product and Promotion Ideas for revenue growth.
Recommended Courses and Certification
No certification.Just clear concept and ready to start with any Kind of work.Marketing Depends a lot on Tracking.
No,specific website.Just take watever is good from all sources.
My Growth has been quite consistent.I was Account manager handling 1 circle and finally had Responsibility of 3 circles.I was moved to Handle Corporate customer and FInally to Intenational Market handling Business Development for 3 countries
Marketing is most important as it Includes everything from Planning to implementation stage.
marketing is different as it makes individual Plan everything,
Future prospect
Few year down the line i wish to be Entrepreneur.
Positioning the product
I believe in selling any kind of product but most important is to infuse sense of belief regarding product.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Never feel ashamed of doing any kind of Sales and marketing Job.
Growth Prospect in marketing
Success is quick but it depends on Industry and type of Organisation.Growth and Oppourtunity is always higher with small and start up organisation.
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