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Advice Request
Pradipta Chakraborty
Pradipta Chakraborty

Pradipta Chakraborty

Service Profesional

Solutions Inc.

My achievements
I have got a prize from my locality for highest marks in higher secondary examination.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Everyone is involved in reservation system. So that many brilliant candidates are not getting more opportunity in service sector as well as in education. Indian politics are responsible for this.
We should think about this reservation system. Everyone should get equal opportunity to prove his / her talent. Otherwise this education system would not be changed. And also think about course fees. It is very problem to afford fees for a poor candidate. No more comments.
Initiative to develop a country
They should not cheat government to pay tax. Because taxable amount is used for development. They should contribute a relief fund to help people.
Degree that I recommend
I have completed Bachelor in Business Administration (Honours) from Pailan College of Management and Technology in 2008 affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology with 71.90% marks.

I have also completed Tally Certified Professional from Tally Academy.
Important decision
I have to be a good person in education, career and family. With my dedication I want to achieve a goal with honesty and courage in my corporate life.
Influenced by
It is my girlfriend and my parents. I am very lucky that I have got her.
She influenced me because she loves me and parents always encourage me to go ahead for my goal. I feel proud to be a son of my parents.
Couple of years from now
To be a successful professional in top most position where I deserve for.
My strongest skill
I know Tally.ERP9, Microsoft Office 2010, 2007 and 2003, Windows operating system and little bit of computer hardware.
Ensuring success
Currently I am doing Company Secretaryship course to grow and develop in my life.
Brief description about me
To take up any sort of challenging job commensurate with my ability and knowledge to perform it successfully. I would be more than eager to shoulder responsibilities which would broaden my knowledge and scope for future development.
My role model
Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. His personality, his voice inspires me to be like him. He is the most successful person in India. I respect and salute him.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
First of all he / she has to know human psychology by which he / she will understand any problem of an employee or a colleague. Then he /she must be a decision making, organizing qualities to become a successful leader.
My family background
My father is retired state government employee and mother is housewife. We are two brothers and one sister. Brother has just completed graduation and my sister is married. It is God's grace that still I am living with my grandfather and grandmother. We belong to joint family.
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